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Common Interview Questions

Pay close to this behavioral questions to get ready for your interview

Behavioral questions are the most common questions asked during the interview to confirm the contents written on the resume and know more about the candidate. Make yourself prepared to answer those questions according to the purpose why they were asked. Here are three questions that were asked frequently by the interviewers and how to answer them.

1. Please tell us about yourself. (Elevator pitch)
This question is a pre-screening and ice-breaking question for the candidate. Briefly introduce yourself with what position you have applied for, which grabbed your interest about the company or the position and why you want that position. Do not tell them the whole 10 minutes about your whole life story. This should be around a minute speech.

2. What are your strengths?
Closely examine yourself and make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. It is better if your strength is directly related to the positions you apply for. Even if it does seem to be, always link your strength with the responsibilities of the position you apply for. A similar question with the above would be asking for your weaknesses. In either question, you should not end the response with negatives about yourself. Be honest, but tell them how you have overcome your weaknesses. Give them the impression that you have the ability to solve the problem.

3. Where do you find yourself in the next 5 years?
Plan out your 5 years of future career plan ahead of your interview. Describe your long-term goal and brief plan about how you are going to achieve your goal. Interviewers may ask this question with various purposes to determine whether the candidate has fit with the organization or the job requires planning out long-term goals that interviewers needed to find out the candidate's capabilities. Do not answer preferably to the interviewer, but easily share your future career goals.

There are numerous behavioral questions besides these questions. Just practice answering questions over and over, then you will improve significantly.

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