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Virtual Interview Tips

Virtual interviews need different preparation from the normal site interview.
Here are some tips for you to grab opportunities from virtual interviews.

Since the Pandemic, we have experienced changes in the original face-to-face interview process into the virtual format. Most of the interviews now are running over the phone and video. Interviewing in virtual form requires candidates to focus on a few things that weren't needed before. Make yourself a more valuable candidate to the interviewer by paying close attention to the tips below.

1. Pace your talking.
Interviews make the candidates nervous that most candidates begin to speak fast and faster. It was important to pace your talking previously, but it became more important now with the virtual format. Because the interviewer narrows down to focus on your voice in both phone and video interviews, managing your talking speed is critical. Slow down if you think you are talking fast, and manage your tone to deliver the image of a confident and professional candidate. Also, check with your interviewer after the response to confirm whether your responses were delivered clearly.

2. Change your background setting
When candidates have a video interview, they underestimate the importance of the background and show their messy bedroom. Do not let yourself down with a bad first impression. Set your background with a clean office picture or unique but proper picture to grab the opportunity to represent yourself to the interviewers.

3. Wear full professional attire
Because the video only shows your upper body, we hear comedic occasions where interviewees dress up professionally on top but pajamas on the bottom. Wear full professional attire for the interview. It will help you to engage fully in the interview in a professional manner and prevent any humorous accident.

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